Acreage reporting for some of our largest dates is quickly approaching, and several planting seasons are underway. Here are a few items to review as the acreage report verification process is completed:

  • Verify the acreage report is completed on a ProAg form.
  • Verify all applicable information has been included for each unit, including, but not limited to, state, county, crop(s), plan, coverage level, CLU, unit number, acreage type, number of acres, date planting was completed, insured’s share, name of others sharing in the crop, etc.
  • Confirm any changes in unit numbering/unit structure, legal descriptions, share arrangements, etc. are supported with documentation.
  • If applicable, verify area classifications.
  • If applicable, verify any newly created added land/new P/T/TMA units are established meeting all the requirements outlined in the Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH).
  • When/If acreage is planted late, verify the acreage is reported daily with the applicable plant date.
  • If prevented planting (PP) acreage is reported, verify applicable guidelines were followed regarding the initial acreage report, intended acreage report, separate line entries for PP acreage eligible for 100% of the PP, and separate line entries for PP acreage limited to 35% of the PP payment, etc.
  • If applicable, provide required contracts and/or organic certificates and plans.
  • If applicable, verify high-risk land.
  • If SCO or STAX has been elected, verify and report applicable ARC or PLC elections.
  • Verify the acreage reporting form has been properly signed and timely dated by both the insured and the agent.

For any questions you may have on processing acreage reports please contact your underwriter, or district sales manager, and they will be happy to assist you. In addition, reference Part 12 of the Crop Insurance Handbook and/or Part 12 of the General Standards Handbook for additional and more detailed information.