Industry agricultural groups posted responses to the House farm bill released late last week. Improvements to the farm safety net through increased commodity support levels and crop insurance enhancements drew positive comments. Many organizations want lawmakers to move forward in a bipartisan manner.

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall said that while his group appreciates the committee’s work in drafting a new, modernized farm bill, they hope to see the Senate Agriculture Committee’s version soon so progress can be made on passing the next farm bill.

The National Sorghum producers praised the improved farm safety net and expanded access to conservation funding and programs. Similarly, the National Cotton Council applauds the House farm bill for significantly increasing support levels for cotton producers and providing growers with more affordable options for risk management strategies.

National Farmers Union President Rob Larew also recognized the importance of commodity program improvements and enhancements to crop insurance but urged a reconsideration of proposed nutrition program provisions. “We also support strengthening provisions to foster a fairer, more competitive ag marketplace,” he added.

Read more on ag group reactions to the House farm bill here.