Texas’ largest wildfire is still burning across the state’s northeast panhandle. The Texas A&M Forest Service reported that the fire was 44% contained after its start on February 26. The Smokehouse Creek Fire is estimated to have spanned 1,059,570 acres, the second largest in U.S. history and larger than California’s top 20 largest wildfires over the past 90 years. The fire has taken more than 300 personnel, 59 fire engines and eight dozers.

As of this week, it is estimated that at least 7,000 cattle have died due to the fires. Cattle producers are reminded to document all losses for future indemnity payments and include photos and videos where possible. Relief programs will need to have accurate inventory data, such as the amount and type of livestock impacted. Feeding solutions remain a critical concern for cattle who survived. Displaced and surviving animals may face smoke inhalation, burns, injuries or other stress-related ailments.

Read more on the Texas wildfires here.