What’s in a lease? When it comes to the world of agriculture, there are plenty. A lease is an important agreement that protects both parties and should be written in a manner that can be upheld in a court of law. Peggy Hall, a lawyer, and director of The Ohio State University Extension Agriculture Law Program says enforceability is the most important factor in any farm lease.

This means, at the very least, the agreement needs to be in writing and include a signature. Hall says these six considerations must be included in every lease agreement:

1. Where the property is located and a description of the property.
2. Correct legal names of all parties involved.
3. Acreage number.
4. Addresses of the parties.
5. How long the lease lasts and what the parties need to do to terminate the lease.
6. What the payment is and how it will be handled.

Other considerations such as who maintains field access points, and who is responsible for tiling and nutrient management should also be included.

Read more on how to write a farm lease here.