Container shipFor the first time in more than two decades, China is no longer the top recipient of U.S. agricultural exports. Mexico now hosts the position, a result of changing dynamics and tension that has ultimately reshaped global supply chains. The last time Mexico was the top U.S. exporter was in 2000. Last year’s exports to the country are expected to reach a record high for 2023, making up over 15% of export totals for the first 11 months of the year.

But Mexico wasn’t the only country ramping up its imports of U.S. goods. The European Union also reached a record high in 2023 and has doubled its imports in the past decade. Changing political tensions and the Biden administration’s efforts to promote supply chains within allied and partner countries have left the Trump administration’s tariffs on Chinese products in place. At the same time, China is working to reduce its dependence on U.S. exports.

Read more on trade relations and exports here.