Cattle in a feedlotWhile pinkeye is nothing new to cattle producers, cases generally peak during summer and into fall. The bacterium Moraxella bovis is typically the cause of the infection. Still, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System veterinarian says there are other viruses and bacteria that researchers are learning relate to the disease. Pinkeye can first be detected by the watery eyes on an animal, slowly progressing into conjunctivitis, where the cattle will display a sensitivity to light.

The Alabama veterinarian, Soren Rodning, says pinkeye peaks in summer due to flies. Producers who have fly problems will likely see pinkeye problems. Pinkeye prevention can be done through a vaccine, mainly used to protect against Moraxella bovis. Alternatively, an autogenous vaccine, Rodning says, can be custom-made to target multiple organisms associated with pinkeye.

Read more on pinkeye prevention in cattle here.